Good Dogs
A non-force method of training your dog!

with Kathy Kropp
Beginning Classes
6 week session
Intermediate Class
5 week session
$135 ​
Good Manners While Walking
Taught by Jodi McGreggor
$25 Per Walk
Approx. 1 Hour Session​​
​ Rally
Taught by Sue Graham
5 week session
​ ____________________________
Beginning Agility
Taught by Sue Graham
30 Minute session
5 week session
Agility PLUS
Taught by Sue Graham
5 week session
Gift certificates available.
Call or e-mail Kathy at or 805 237-9985 to register for Templeton classes or Agility.
Beginning K9 Rally
Monday March 3rd
6:00 PM
Paso Robles - Centennial Park
Dogs should have basic training skills and know how to heel
For Paso classes call Paso Parks & Recreation at 237-3988 or register on-line at:
Templeton AM Beginning
Saturday February 15th
Templeton Park
Paso PM Beginning
Thursday March 6th
6:00 PM
Centennial Park
For Paso classes call Paso Parks & Recreation at 237-3988 or register on-line at:
Templeton Intermediate
Saturday February 15th at 11:00 am
Templeton Park
Good Manners While Walking
Feb 15th 4:00PM-Sunken Gardens
Pack Training Walk​
( Future class locations will change offering new places to explore. Locations, times, and dates will be updated on the website.)
Work on our leash skills and obedience in a pack setting. Dogs and owners must be able to walk 1-1.5 miles.
Dogs must have taken Good Dogs Basic
Contact Kathy to sign Up​
Competition K9 Rally
Monday March 3rd
7:00 PM
Paso Robles - Centennial Park
For competition class
Please Call Prior
For Paso classes call Paso Parks & Recreation at 237-3988 or register on-line at:
**NEW** Agility Fundamentals
Friday Jan 17th
6:00 PM
Paso Robles- Private Location
Dogs should have basic training skills
Contact Kathy to Sign Up​
Beginning Agility
Tuesday Jan 21st
5:30 PM
Paso Robles - Private Location
Dogs should have basic training skills
Agility PLUS
Tuesday Jan 21st
6:15 PM
Paso Robles - Private Location
Dogs should have off leash skills and Agility Experience

The Beginning “GOOD DOGS” course is designed to train your dog or puppy without using force. Kathy uses the combined training techniques of positive reinforcement and behavior modification to help the owner gently teach the dog basic control exercises. No choke collars are used or needed. To help with problem solving, the course also covers understanding canine behavior. Her classes are fun and entertaining for the whole family while helping the owners to get a firm grasp on becoming the “pack leader”.
For the dog lover that wants to continue to work with their dogs Kathy offers Intermediate and Advanced classes.
We also offer Beginning K9 Rally and Competition Rally Class. Good Dogs also offers Agility Fundamentals, Beginning Agility, and Agility plus for the more advanced dog/handler.
Kathy also offers temperament testing to help you pick the right dog or puppy for your family.

Lola doing Agility - photo by Kris Beal

Cindy navigating a Rally course